The Role of Data Sharing and Collaboration in Achieveing Smart Cities and Sustainable Communities


Mr Landson LI

Honorary Advisor of GBIUA
Chief Technology Officer of Llewellyn & Partners Co.

  • Chief Technology Officer, LPC 首席技术官 CTO

  • Technical leader of the national project “Industrial Internet Innovation and Development Project - BIM Platform Construction Project“ 國家課題《工業互聯網創新發展工程-BIM平臺建設項目》 技術總負責

  • Member of the Expert Group of the “National IPD Consultation Digital Sharing Platform Project” of the National Development and Reform Commission/Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development 發改委/住建部《國家全過程諮詢數位化共用平臺專案》專家組成員

  • Former Chief Engineer of Wanda Commercial Management Group, Planning Research Institute, General Manager of Digital Innovation Department 原萬達商管集團商業規劃研究院 總工程師,數位創新部總經理

  • KPMG Construction Industry Expert Consultant 畢馬威建設行業行業專家顧問

  • McKinsy 5D Smart Construction Lab Owner 麥肯錫5D智慧建造實驗室總負責

  • Honorary Advisor of the Greater Bay Area Urban Architecture Society of the China Graphic Society 中國圖學會大灣區城市建築學會榮譽