Addressing the Challenges and Opportunities of being on both the first and last lines of defense against Climate Change


Mr Joshua Sharman

Chief Commercial Director
ISS Hong Kong 


Joshua joined ISS in 2020, having already worked in FM in Hong Kong and around the Asia Pacific region for the previous 7 years and in the FM industry in the UK prior to that in a variety of Business Development and Operational roles.

Joshua was born and raised in Hong Kong. Joshua’s career to date has included helping different clients to review their contracts so as to identify areas for savings, operational gaps, reducing wastage, improving productivity through alternative business models and driving the ESG agenda. Joshua has a passion for ESG and the unique strength our industry has to help drive it, as well as trying to attract new talent to the FM industry that he himself has gained so much learning and benefitting from. 


The effects of Climate Change have arrived in Hong Kong and as it looks increasingly unlikely that we will be able to stay within the Global 1.5 degree C temperature increase threshold, the mitigation of impacts as part of FM service delivery is likely to become ever more prominent.

ESG as a function of FM has become as much about the need to mitigate macro risks, innovate and no longer settle for traditional approaches as it has about wanting to do the right thing. Drive these end goals for the benefit of our customers and stakeholders through FM Leadership, and ESG should seamlessly integrate into the wider evolution of our FM industry.

Old approaches to FM contracting are no longer fit for purpose and we have an opportunity to not only revolutionize our industry but also become a leading light in driving the ESG agenda as part of the process. This session will explore not only the Challenges we are facing but also some of the regulatory and non-regulatory Opportunities that we have to mitigate and reduce the impacts of Climate Change, as we straddle the first as well as last lines of defense against it.