


Psat President
IFMA Hong Kong Chapter


Vice President, Global Real Estate with Deutsche Bank, responsible for Facility Management in Hong Kong and Taiwan and Sustainability initiatives across Asia Pacific. ESG responsibilities include achieving challenging targets for data capture and carbon footprint reductions.

Previously completed a global project to report Scope 3 emissions, including employee commuting, upstream energy activity and end of life products.

Previously held roles as a FM service provider. Regional Account Director with JLL responsible for delivering outsourced FM services to the Asia Pacific portfolios of major banking clients. Director FM Consulting with Synergis Management Services delivering FM to multiple public & private sector organisations in Hong Kong.

Held senior management in-house roles as Head of Property Services with Hysan Development and Director Facility Management with The American Club.

Following a 10 year military career as a Captain in the Royal Engineers, worked with Ferguson Bucknall Austin as Director FM Consulting leading outsourcing and restructuring projects for a number of private and public sector organisations in UK & Hong Kong.

President, IFMA Hong Kong Chapter 2010-2011 and Board member from 2003-2014.